Regletto Aldrich Degollacion Imbong, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Regletto Aldrich D. Imbong specializes in philosophy of technology, political theory, and philosophy of education. His research interests include the emancipatory politics of Alain Badiou, philosophy of technology, Marxism(-Leninism-Maoism), and peace studies in the Philippines. He is currently the President of the All UP Academic Employees Union (AUPAEU) Cebu chapter and the Vice-President for the Visayas of the Philosophical Association of the Visayas and Mindanao (PHAVISMINDA). He is also a board member of the Union of Societies and Associations of Philosophy in the Philippines (USAPP), the federation of all philosophical associations and societies in the country. He is likewise a member of the international organization Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT) and the Philosophical Association of the Philippines (PAP).
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
University of the Philippines Cebu, Philippines
Master of Arts in Philosophy
University of San Carlos, Philippines
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
University of San Carlos, Philippines
Articles Published in International Journals and Book Publishers
Imbong, R.A. and Sison, J.M. 2021 “Some questions on dialectical materialism.” In On the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, 281- 286. Edited by Julieta de Lima. The Netherlands: International Network for Philippine Studies.
Imbong, R.A. 2021. “Question on Mao Zedong Thought.” In On the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, 265-272. Edited by Julieta de Lima. The Netherlands: International Network for Philippine Studies.
Imbong, R.A. 2021. “On transistor radios and authoritarianism: The politics of radio-broadcasted distance learning.” Techné: Research in philosophy and technology, 25(2): 332-340. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2021. “Forging a just and lasting peace in the Philippines.” Peace review: A journal of social justice, 31(1), (2019): 66-73. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2018. “Neoliberalism and the Moro struggle in southern Philippines.” Journal for the study of religions and ideologies, 17(51): 69-84. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2017. “From Lenin to Badiou: The Philippine revolution against neoliberal capitalism.” Lo sguardo: Revista di filosofia, 25: 111-122. [LINK]
Imbong, R. A. and Imbong, J. 2017. “Emancipatory faith: Reflection on Alain Badiou and the Christians for national liberation.” Budhi: A journal of ideas and culture, 21(1): 51-76. [LINK]
Imbong, R. A. 2016. “Violence in Alain Badiou’s emancipatory politics.” Kritike: An online journal of philosophy, 10(2): 210-225. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. n.d. “Neoliberalism and the Filipino teacher: Shaking the system for a genuine democracy.” In becoming and being a teacher: Confronting traditional norms to create new democratic realities, 215-226. Edited by Paul Thomas. New York: Peter Lang, 2013. [LINK]
Articles Published in Local Journals and Publishing Institutions
Imbong, R. A. 2020. “The Fascist Regime: The Rise, Development, and Stabilization of Fascism in the Philippines.” In Security and Democracy: Nexus, Convergence, and Intersections. Manila: Philippine Political Science Association and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2020. “Abulad’s post-Machiavelli and his apology for Duterte.” PHAVISMINDA journal, 18(1): 77-99 [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2018. “Duterte and the deliberative politics of peace building in the Philippines: Prospects and challenges.” Social ethics society journal of applied ethics, special issue: 81-100. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2018. “Living (with an idea) in the time of social media and fake news: Emancipatory politics and critical media.” Social ethics society journal of applied ethics, 4(1): 92-113. [LINK]
Imbong, R.A. 2017. “Philosophy of the masses: The contemporary role of philosophy in the Philippines.” Pingkian: Journal of emancipatory and anti-imperialist education, 4(1): 69-77.
Imbong, R.A. 2015. “Badiouian philosophy, critical pedagogy, and the K12: Suturing the educational with the pedagogical.” PHAVISMINDA journal, 14: 35-48.
Imbong, R.A. 2013. “The first quarter storm of 1970 and the continuing struggle: Activism in the light of Alain Badiou’s politics of emancipation.” USC graduate journal, 29(2): 146-158.
Imbong, R.A. 2012. “Philippine education and democratic governance.” USC graduate journal, 28(2):113-121.
You can check Prof. Imbong’s google scholar profile HERE.