From being a pre-medicine program in 1982, the BS in Psychology Program was changed to BA Psychology, which is more broad-based in terms of the science and application of the discipline.
The Psychology program is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of Psychology’s multiple perspectives. The curriculum is anchored on the science, application, and ethical standards of the discipline. It prepares the students for jobs in human resources, research, teaching, and practice in various fields of Psychology.
The program’s academic quality is reflected in the outstanding achievements of its alumni, many of whom have achieved leadership positions in human resources management, in counseling and therapy, in testing and recruitment, in child development and education, in research, and in the academe. The program has also produced doctors of medicine and lawyers.

Some of the UP Psych Graduates of 2017 with the Psychology Program Faculty. (Photo: Ronald Pernia)
In the context of ICT for development, the Psychology program envisions itself to:
> Be the center of local and regional social- psychological researches;
> Take the lead in professionalizing the human resources and clinical psychological practice in the region by producing competent and ethical psychometricians and psychologists;
> Be the major provider of psychological information services and assistance in the region.
The program shall focus on ICT as a tool that affects cognition, human development, and many aspects of human behavior as well as a tool that facilitates human resources management, organizational development, psychological testing and recruitment, and clinical and educational assessment. As a field of study, the focus shall be on ICT and impact on human behavior and functioning and the quality of life in general.
Access to Study Plan (Effective 1st Semester AY 2018-2019)
For admission requirements, please refer to the UP Cebu website to learn more.